Hey how's everyone doing? I hope we are all trying to enjoy the most out of the Montréal summer.
We are sending this newsletter to update you on what's going on with Innovative Motion (Motion Inovatrice). We would like begin by saying that this summer was a great success for us and our fans.
Collection #3
We are currently working on our 3rd Collection (yes already!). Hoddies will be added along with 4 new hand drawn artisitc shirts. We want everyone looking there very best for the new school year.
Under contruction at the moment is our new website IMFLY.ca, this site will be a little more business like, given you information on the company and it's founders, along with our full range of services and online store! Don't be afraid to check out or blog at www.innovative-motion.com.
We would like to thank Gen and Blake of www.looshcreative.com for taken the appropriate time and care in helping produce our vision.
Once again THANK YOU for your support. It is hard to describe the joy we recieve when we see someone we've never met before wearing one of our shirts in Montréal or having a random come up to us say " I M Fly". We will continue to strive to bring you the highest quality of fine urban arts this beautiful city has to offer the world beacuse with Innovative Motion we will make sure that "Creativity Shall See no END!"